Zenzero Fabbri
Orange chicken with Zenzero Fabbri

Orange chicken with Zenzero Fabbri

30 minutes + 2 hours marinating



Serves 4  

  • 4 chicken drumsticks  
  • 1 orange  
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste 
  • salt to taste 
  • pepper to taste 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 6 sage leaves  
  • 1 sprig of rosemary 
  • 1/2 glass of white wine 
  • 2 Zenzero Fabbri nuggets 
  • 4 tablespoons of Zenzero Fabbri syrup .  


  1. Clean the chicken thoroughly, wash it and dry it. 

  2. Make a marinade with the orange juice, Zenzero Fabbri syrup, sage and rosemary. Marinate the chicken for at least 3 hours. Keeping the marinade to one side, brown the chicken in a large pan with the extra-virgin olive oil, some orange zest and the two crushed cloves of garlic. Remove the garlic as soon as it has browned. 

  3. Brown well. Add salt and pepper. Simmer with white wine and allow to evaporate. Add a glass of the marinade kept to one side. Cook with the lid on, turning the meat from time to time to allow it to take on flavour. 

  4. When the meat is cooked and the marinade has reduced, remove the chicken from the heat and place it on the serving plate. 

  5. Allow the cooking juices to caramelise and, with the aid of a spoon, use them to flavour the meat. Complete with slices of Zenzero Fabbri. 

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