Wash the strawberries well, remove the stalks, transfer to a blender, puree them and pour into a bowl. Whip the cream with the icing sugar until it becomes very thick and gently incorporate the strawberry puree.
Line a ø 20 cm springform cake tin with aluminium foil, form a layer on the bottom with half of the prepared mixture, freeze it for an hour and refrigerate the rest of the mixture.
Remove the tin from the freezer, top the cream and strawberry mixture with the ladyfingers soaked in rum diluted with 50 ml of water and cover with the remaining cream and strawberry mixture. Level out the surface and freeze for at least 4 hours.
Garnish the cake with some halved washed strawberries, cut it into wedges and pour a spoonful of Fabbri Top Chocolate over each portion.
For a professional-looking garnish, hold the strawberries by the stalk and dip half into delicious Fabbri Kroccant Chocolate sauce.